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The importance of fairs

In the process of meeting customers and showcasing products, Trysil RMM AS find that attending fairs is an effective tool in bringing awareness to their road marking machines. Managing Director in Trysil RMM Jon Kjetil Jutulstad says that even though the pandemic has caused some fairs to be postponed, they are making plans for attending more international fairs.

“We primarily focus on road traffic fairs, which is a relatively small market in the Nordics. The largest fair we usually attend is called Intertraffic, and the most important fair for us is the one held in Amsterdam every other year”, Jutulstad explains.

Taking on international fairs

The Intertraffic fair was canceled in both 2020 and 2021 due to the pandemic, but a new tentative date has been set for March 2022. If conditions allow for the fair to be held, Trysil RMM will be there with a stand and they are also planning on bringing a larger machine to showcase at the event.

Additionally, the pandemic has put a stop to several other international fairs, but Trysil RMM are hoping they will be able to attend a road marking fair with ATSSA Convention & Traffic Expo in February 2022 in Tampa, Florida.

“Fairs are important to us because they are a great way to showcase our machines, especially for new customers and new markets. We also attend some fairs in Norway and Sweden”, Jutulstad says.


Showcasing the products

As they primarily work with trucks, Trysil RMM try to bring these to fairs whenever they have the chance. Jutulstad says they were thinking about bringing machines for the fair in Florida as well, but the distance makes the logistics of it complicated. In comparison, for the fair in Amsterdam they drive the truck down for the fair.

“Getting a machine working in a new country often leads to other industry associates learning about our brand and products, allowing other potential customers to discover us”, Jutulstad says.